Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stanley park

I want go to Stanley Park long time ago. Last Thursday, I went to Stanley Park with my class.

It was a very happy time! We met a guide name's Roger. He's an interesting person. He taught us a lot of knowledge about the trees and the animals in the Stanley Park. And he told us some story about the trees and the animals. He's so funny! Than we had a picnic in the park, it's my first time go a picnic in Vancouver. I cooked some food for my class. I'm so happy they like my cook. We had a happy dinner time. I will remember this time forever, my lovely class~!

Monday, July 26, 2010

My life in China

Before I come to Canada, my life was very different. I studied in WuHan, there is so hot and wet, I don't like the weather in WuHan. If I didn't have class, I usually stayed at home. I don't like hang in outside. But I have some most interesting friends.

Sometimes we went outside, we ate food and played together. We always did very silly and interesting things. We to imitated the model and made the pose. We played the shopping car in the market. Sometimes the other people saw us, but we didn't care about. That's my happiest time with my friends.

These photos are took before that when I left them and come to Canada. I very miss them, I don't know what time we can togetherness.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Water Park in Granville Island

Granville Island is a very nice place, it's a small island beside Vancouver. I went to Granville Island last week, there is very interesting. I ate lunch at Public Market, the food is very delicious, then I went to the Farmers Market, the Kids Market and the Brewing Company, but I think the Water Park is best interesting.

The Water Park has a lot kinds of fountains, the fountains are very interesting, some fountains is from the top down, some is from the bottom up, and some is circle. The fountains don't have pond, people can cross it. I saw a lot of children play the fountains, they're very happy.
The Water Park not only have the fountains, there has a big water slide, I like it so much, the water slide is faster than common slide, the water to rinse children down, it's very cool, when I saw it first time, I really want to try it, but it's just for children, it's a little regret, but I played the fountains, it's very interesting and so cool!
Not only children love Water Park, the adult like there to, they're wearing swim-suits play the water and basking on the lawn, it's very comfortable and relaxed.
I had a happy time in Granville Island, there is a magical place, I love there, If you come to Vancouver, you have go to Granville Island!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

My cartoon

When I study in middle school, I loved in cartoon. I read the cartoon first time in twelve, my desk mate borrow me, it's OnePiece, then I loved in cartoon.
I read the cartoon a long time, gradually I want to draw by myself. At first, it's very difficult for me, because I have never done that before, I just imitate from the book, I used two or three hours draw one picture, it's too hard, but I love it. Then I draw better and better.
I read cartoon 9 years old, the cartoon is a part of my life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Yesterday, I went my friends' family and we BBQ in their yard.
It's a very nice afternoon, we sat on the grass, roasted the chicken and vegetables, and talked. I told them something about China, they're very interesting about China, I told about my hometown LuoYang, the flowers, the Shaolin kungfu and the food.
They very like LuoYang, they plan go to China next time, they want go Shanghai for shopping, go Beijing to look at the Great wall and go Luoyang to see the Chinese Kungfu.
Then we watched a movie, the movie was very good, it's about the animals and nature, I saw a panda, it's so cute.
I was so happy yesterday, my friend is a good cooker, she cooked the BBQ is very delicious, I'm very happy she invited me went to her house for dinner.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy time

I went to play bowling yesterday. I play it first time, I think it's very interesting. At first, I don't know how to choose the ball, it have different weight. First time I use the number 12, it's little heavy for me, then my friend told me the number 8 is good for me, so I choose the light one, I feel better.
I and my friends do a match, I always error, when I play it second or third time, I play it getting better, at the last time, I got a strike. I'm very surprised, That's a happy time!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Today is Canada Day! I went to downtown, at the Canada place, there was very busy, I saw a lot of interesting things. I put the stickers on my hands, and I get a picture with the bear, the bear is so cute, I hug the bear, he's very comfortable, I like it so much! At the Canada place, there have a lot of snack and drink, something is free. If you want, you can buy some commemorate coin, it's very meaningful. All of the people are very happy, they take the small flag, some people take the flag or the maple leaves sticker on their face, some people wearing the flag cloak. I saw the "queen" and eagle, they're so tall. I saw the variety show, they're very cool! I saw the military exhibit and the handsome soldier. In the exhibit, I saw the Chinese jingju, I think the Chinese culture is a part of the Canadian culture.
Today is a special day, congratulate Canada!

Monday, June 28, 2010

TD Bank

Today I go to TD Bank, because I lost my Debit card. At first, I told cashier "I lost my Debit card, I want cancel my card." Then the cashier said a long time, I don't know her mean, I'm luck that I go there with my friend, he help me cancel my card and get a new card, I just to hear they talk, I really want talk with them, sometimes I know their mean, but I can't talk, I study English more then two month, but talking is still hard for me, I don't know that when I can talk like my friend...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Traditions in my home

In my home, my mom and my dad very love me. when my birthday, my dad always play the birthday song, and my mom cook the food for me, some times my dad cook, I like my dad's cook. before I come to Canada, nothing has change. I like my dad's noodle and soup, they're very delicious , the taste just my dad can cook. It's very special. My dad teach me one time, but I can't cook the taste like my dad's. Every time, if my dad cook the noodle, I always eat a lot. I think it's my family's traditions!

The picture from:

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I live in Vancouver

I came to Vancouver 7 month ago, at here, I have a very different life! I made some new friends, I work hard for my English, I went to the beach, I bought the sky train, I did a lot of new things that I didn't do in China, I cook by myself, I care about my life, I become in depend. But now I really miss my family. I feel very tarried. Vancouver is a good place, but my hometown is my home.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The soccer in my high school class

When I in high school, I have a lot of friends play soccer. They play soccer at break time every day in the school, they very like soccer. I have a friend, he's the most like soccer in my class, he's very strong. One time, he kick the ball so high, and the ball clip on the tree, they can't get the ball. They throw something to the ball, but the ball is so high, they can't move it. Then they want find a long pole, but the pole isn't tall enough to get the ball. So the ball live on the tree two days. At the third day, the ball is lost.
the picture from:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Play play...

Today, I go my friend home, we play the tennis and the badminton, it's my first time play the tennis, it's very different for badminton, before I play the tennis, I just look the other people play it, I think it's same as badminton, but when I play it by myself, I just know it's very difficult and very interesting. But I think the badminton is better for me, because it's easy!
the picture from:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

"My" roommate is monkey

Ross has a new roommate, it's a monkey and his name is Marcel. When the new year close, every people were very sad, because they can't find someone to kiss at the midnight. Chandler has a good idea that is at the new year, no date, just six people to have dinner. At first, every people agree with Chandler, but when the new year come, every people find the date, only Ross doesn't have. At the new year party, Ross just go with his monkey Marcel. Every people think they have partner to kiss at the midnight, but they have some problems. Rachel's boyfriend at Rome because he misses his flight. Phoebe's boyfriend David will go Minsk. Joey's partner is a single mam, and she has sex with the other people on the party. Chandler break up with Janice again. Monica's partner joke Barbie's grandfather died two hours ago. And Ross' Marcel not to pay attention to him all of the time! So, They still have no people to kiss at the midnight. Chandler wants somebody to kiss him, no people want. Final Joey kiss him...